Counselling and Psychotherapy in Scotland, Moray

Unbounded Generosity: The Double-Edged Sword – PART III

Excessive generosity, though well-intentioned, often leads to a significant loss of energy and eventual fatigue. This depletion affects physical, emotional, and mental well-being. It’s caused by physical exhaustion from neglecting self-care, emotional drain from constant worry, mental overload due to multitasking, a lack of personal time, and boundary erosion. Stress, anxiety, and diminished self-worth can exacerbate these effects.

Counselling and Psychotherapy in Scotland, Moray

Unbounded Generosity: The Double-Edged Sword – PART II

In the world of generosity, there’s often more than meets the eye. Excessive generosity, while well-intentioned, can be driven by a multitude of underlying causes. From the desire for approval and fear of rejection to cultural norms and a genuine thirst for personal fulfilment, these motivations can intermingle and push individuals to give excessively, sometimes at the expense of their own well-being.

Counselling and Psychotherapy in Scotland, Moray

Unbounded Generosity: The Double-Edged Sword – PART I

In the grand tapestry of human virtues, generosity and kindness are threads that weave through our lives, enhancing the fabric of our existence. These qualities, when practiced with care and intention, hold the power to uplift not only those we extend our goodwill to but also ourselves. However, like any intricate pattern, the virtue of generosity can unravel if pulled too taut.